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How To Grow Your Business's Social Media Following: A Brief Guide


You asked, we answered. 

How could we not? Social Media is the Kilroy of your collective marketing efforts—it turns up everywhere, regardless of the message or the offer that’s being extended.

So then—what can be done to maximize your business’s social media following? 


  • With over 2 billion active users, Facebook is where you’ll see the largest audience and potential reach. Post a link to your page anywhere you can.
    • Invite your friends and family to like and follow your business page!
    • Share posts from your business page on your personal page.
    • Join Groups and follow Pages relevant to your industry.
    • If you don’t already have it, consider adding Social Boost to your EZlocal services.


  • This platform allows you to share quick pieces of information and photos in an effort to generate traffic to your website and offers. Note: Twitter’s character count limits content.
  • Tips:
    • Use Hashtags! These tags allow you to reach a wider audience than just your followers by getting involved in existing conversations.
    • Retweet (share) and like relevant content.
    • Build relationships with followers! Engage in conversations, respond to messages and mentions.



  • This photo-oriented site is the perfect space to build your brand’s personality and create your voice. The user base is almost entirely made up of young people (15-35 year olds account for more than 70% of the users).
  • Tips:
    • Use Hashtags! Like Twitter, hashtags on Instagram allow you to reach a wider audience than just your followers by getting involved in existing conversations.
    • Follow, like, and engage with other people or pages in your industry!


  • This is different from the rest of the social media platforms because it is designed for business professionals. It is used to share best practices within your industry, for recruiting, or Business-to-Business marketing. Promotional content is discouraged.
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