A La Carte Interiors

Interior Designer

(636) 485-3309

Serving around Serving around Wildwood, MO 63005


Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week

A La Carte Interiors has been serving Wildwood and surrounding areas with professional interior design services. With a degree in interior design, owner Terri Hodge has performed over 400 in-home consultations. She has provided services ranging from color consultation to entire home interior designs. At A La Carte Interiors, we find the best starting point and guide you easily through the steps to create an attractive and functional space. With our creative ideas, we can fulfill as many of your wishes possible on your budget. We can save time and reduce your stress by navigating through all the products and resources that are available. A La Carte Interiors will address every detail so that your space is a source of pride and we encourage open communication to ensure that all of your needs are met. From furniture selection, flooring selection, color consultations, and lighting, let A La Carte Interiors help you create the space you've always dreamt of.


Hours of Operation

Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week


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