All Aboard Mobile Dog Grooming

Pet Grooming Lessons

(732) 606-4196

Toms-River, NJ 08753

The practice of cleaning and maintaining the pets of customers. Pet groomers assist pet owners in taking care of the physical health and well-being of their pets. The most basic and obvious job that a groomer performs is bathing the animals. They use special equipment and soaps in order to clean animals safely and comfortably.In addition to bathing pets, groomers also trim the pets' fur and nails. Since animal fur and nails have a different anatomy than human hair and nails, this requires special tools and training in order to perform these functions safely. Groomers must also know different traditional grooming styles that are popular with different breeds of animals. These styles are often too complicated and time-consuming for pet owners to perform properly, so they must turn to a pet groomer for help.Becoming a pet groomer requires a specific skill set. Groomers attend classes to learn about pet grooming techniques, different tools and materials used, and even the basic anatomy of animals. This training allows pet groomers to better care for the animals in their charge.Groomers may also work as assistants or apprentices to already established groomers. This works as a kind of internship in order to teach new groomers the ins and outs of the business. This prepares groomers to have hands-on experience and gives them the opportunity to one day work alone as professional pet groomers.Pet groomers will see each pet once every few weeks to make sure they're kept clean and happy. Since grooming requires a vast amount of special tools and equipment, animals must usually be brought into the groomer's office in order to be groomed. Some groomers, however, can set up their equipment in a large van or truck in order to be able to go door-to-door with their grooming business.



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