Rug Cleaning Lower East Side

Cleaning Service

(347) 502-2648

111 Henry St New York, NY 10002

Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week

In the past, most carpet cleaning companies used harsh chemicals to do the job. While this can make carpets look good, it is not healthy for anybody living in the home (people or pets). No harsh chemicals ever come in contact with your carpet. For this reason, you can rest easy at night knowing that your home is as safe now as it was before. Having your rug professionally cleaned will prolong the life of your rug. No need to experiment with those expensive rug cleaning products and equipment – let the experts take care of your rug. Professional cleaning. We can explain every detail of the cleaning process, from start to finish. This will give you a better idea of what to expect from our modern techniques. As a professional cleaning agency we provide cleaning service at high quality. We clean every type of carpet.


Hours of Operation

Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week


I would love to use them again in future by eanelans on 8/28/2018

Overall my experience with Rug Cleaning Lower East Side was top notch. They had exceeded to my expectations from their cleaning work. I would love to use them again in future.

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