Hotel Flower Service NYC


(347) 637-6870

Serving New York, NY 10013

Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week

Set your hotel apart with fresh flowers catered to the luxury atmosphere of your lobby, guest-rooms or other spaces. Hotel Flower Service NYC offers custom hotel flower arrangements delivered on a regular schedule, streamlining your efforts to enhance your hotel’s ambiance. You won’t even have to think about ordering flowers anymore; we’ll take care of everything, making it easier than ever to wow your guests. Whether you go with a weekly or monthly delivery, the hotel lobby flower arrangements in your flower subscription service become one of those little extras that communicate quality and value to your guests. Alongside your facility’s other amenities and features, these beautiful blooms will brighten and elevate your location’s mood — making it even more desirable to visitors. Just talk to us about the possibilities for recurring flower deliveries; we’ll create a custom plan catered to your hotel and the schedule that works best for you. When subscribing to regular flower deliveries with Hotel Flower Service NYC, you get to enjoy premium flowers and special subscription prices, as well as no contract — so you can join or cancel anytime. You will have a personal account manager and we will customize your flower deliveries to your location.


Hours of Operation

Open 24 Hours, 7 Days a Week


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