City Waterproofing

Waterproofing Contractor

(330) 697-3822

Akron, OH 44203

Built on excellent customer satisfaction and word of mouth, City Waterproofing is known throughout Akron, OH, for providing homeowners with professional waterproofing services. Open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, this local business has been going above and beyond since 1958, meeting the mold remediation, foundation repair, and basement waterproofing needs of their clients. Family owned and operated, this waterproofing contractor offers a lifetime guarantee on all their products and installation services. Whether you need foundation repair or a drainage system installed to direct the rainwater away from your property, this local contractor has the knowledge and equipment to fully waterproof your property in no time. They also offer services, including block wall replacement and mold remediation and removal, that mitigate and repair the effects of water damage. For expert waterproofing services, turn to City Waterproofing. To speak with this waterproofing contractor about scheduling an on-site, free estimate for your home, call (330) 697-3822 today. For more detailed information and a gallery of their work, please visit them online.



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