russian orthodox church Port Isabel, TX 78578

Results 1 - 11 of 11
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1. Saint Andrews Episcopal Church


(956) 943-1962

1022 N Yturria St Port Isabel, TX 78578

2. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints


(956) 943-2054

1730 State Highway 100 Port Isabel, TX 78578

3. Fishers of Men Lutheran Church


(956) 943-2005

603 S Tarnava St Port Isabel, TX 78578

4. Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church


(956) 943-6392

230 E Madison St Port Isabel, TX 78578

5. Our Lady Star of The Sea Catholic Church


(956) 943-1297

705 S Longoria St Port Isabel, TX 78578

6. First Baptist Church


(956) 943-5017

124 E Washington St Port Isabel, TX 78578

7. First United Methodist Church


(956) 943-2485

101 W Adams St Port Isabel, TX 78578

8. Church of Christ


(956) 943-1844

310 S Tarnava St Port Isabel, TX 78578

9. Templo Maranatha


(956) 943-4878

401 E Madison St Port Isabel, TX 78578

10. Church Jeffrey


(956) 761-1358

104 E Bahama St South Padre Island, TX 78597

11. Christs Harbor Church


(956) 943-5595

1441 Santa Isabel Blvd Port Isabel, TX 78578

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