Buck Davis Auto Repair

1 Reviews
421 Franklin Ave
Pottsboro, TX 75076-3055
(903) 786-2976
Buck Davis Auto Repair serves Pottsboro, TX and is located in the 75076 ZIP code.

Reviews for Buck Davis Auto Repair

Buck Davis Auto Repair received an average rating of 1.00 out of 5 stars from 1 reviews.

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by Rosa on 10/18/2021

Bad Service from a Mean Guy. by Brandy B via Insider Pages on 1/29/2008

First of all, the service I recieved at Buck Davis Auto Repair was horrible. The only reason I went was to get an Inspection Sticker, which cost $16.00 there, and 12 everywhere else, but I was going to pay the higher price because it was…

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