Cravens Shires Funeral Homes

3431 Coal Heritage Rd
Bluefield, WV 24701-7623
(304) 589-3860
Call Today!
We are proud to be family owned and are dedicated to the families that we serve. Our experienced staff is here to serve our families, whether it is making pre-need or at-need funeral arrangements. We offer all types of services, including traditional, graveside, or cremation services. Our service does not end with the service. We are here to assist afterwards in any way that we can to ease the burden and make it less stressful.Staff members of Cravens-Shires Funeral Home are caring and experienced professionals who understand that each family is unique and has personal requests and traditions. These requests and traditions are of utmost importance to our staff of licensed funeral directors.

Products and Services

Air Transport Remains Shipping
All Faiths & Cultures
Alternative Funeral Services
Body Removal
Casket Selection
Catholic Funerals
Christian Services
Church Services
Civil Ceremonies
Complete Funeral Services
Conference Rooms
Contemporary Worship
Cosmetic Restoration Services
Cremation Services
Delivery Services
Domestic Remains Shipping
Education & Information
Funeral Directors
Funeral Home Services
Funeral Information
Cremation Supplies

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