Introducing Zuluz™: The First "What, Where and With" in Search!

The Next Generation of Local Search

Introducing Zuluz, and our patent-pending "What, Where and With?" search technology to find businesses in your community and elsewhere using a third layer of search criteria.

How it Works

It is a late night out with friends and you are craving some food. You are looking to find a pizza place that is both open late and accepts credit cards. Before, no matter what site you used, this would normally take several search steps, assuming this information was even available. Now, with, you can do this all at once. Type in "pizza", "your location" and choose as many Zuluz categories as you want to get search results you are looking for -- In one easy step!

We already have plenty of search-friendly Zuluz categories to choose from.

Why "Zuluz"?

Aside from just sounding cool, the name Zuluz was inspired by the word Zulu. The Zulu people have a long tradition of being small merchants and traders. It is also a palindrome, which can be read the same way both forwards and backwards, and that is representative of our users, coming and going, back and forth.

EZlocal Zuluz
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