Next Door Appliance Repair Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33142
(786) 686-0649

Next Door Appliance Repair Fort Lauderdale Reviews

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I will call your service in the future. Keep it up! by on 12/11/2020

I highly appreciated the service rendered by this company and its technician. It was last week when I discovered that my dishwasher was not working, so I requested a repair service. The technician was able to speedily repair my unit. He was so amazing in diagnosing and fixed it. I will call your service in the future. Keep it up!

Thank you so much for helping me with my appliance! by Norma Clayton on 11/4/2020

One of your technicians came out to service my oven that was overheating. He explained to me why does my appliance was not working and, told me how to counter it in the future. He also offered us a very reasonable price. I would really like to have your service again if ever I will encounter another problem with my appliance! Thank you so much for helping me with my appliance!

I will be proud to come back as a loyal customer. by Willis Cotton on 9/2/2020

I will be proud to come back as a loyal customer. This appliance repair company really has the most qualified technicians to handle my washer that was not turning on. The technician was very trained and careful while fixing my appliance. I can see that he was very expert in terms of appliance repair. I was very satisfied with the service that the technician provided to me.

A great job to all of you! by Alexandra Francis on 8/24/2020

Exceptional appliance repair service! I was so amazed by the technician's fast moves in resolving my washer that doesn't start. I can conclude that he is one of your competent technicians when it comes to appliance repair service. The overall service was so incredible, so I decided to make a review for you. A great job to all of you!

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