Leonard M. Watters's Profile

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I had the opportunity to be coached by Elise and wow. I have experienced being coached by multiple coaches in the field and she is truly a gem in a sea of coaches. She asks deep questions and makes you feel heard with actionable steps to take after the session.
Elise is not just someone that makes you "feel good" after a session, she is a life coach that helps you explore the dark parts of yourself and will help shine a light so it's not as scary to do alone. I am so gratefu...

Posted: 10/25/2021



I have been a Alejandro's Landscaping LLC customer for many years. I mow, but Alejandro's Landscaping LLC takes care of the weed control, fertilizer, and grub control. My neighbors continually comment on how much better my lawn looks than theirs. Alejandro was the tech. for my last treatment. Alejandro took the time to talk with me both before and after the application. He was patient as I ask questions, and answered in a way that I understood.

Posted: 10/25/2021

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