Special Tree Service

5626 Irvine Ave
North Hollywood, CA 91601
(818) 452-4122
Open All Day Today
For over 15 years Special Tree Service has been committed, as a family and as a business, towards providing the residents of Southern California from Burbank to Baldwin Park with exceptional tree care.

Tree trimming and tree removal are more than just what we do for a living. Tree care is in our roots. From tree planting to pruning, you’ll love the professional, efficient, and skilled work that we do.

As a proud member of the Better Business Bureau, we are dedicated to giving you nothing but quality work. We are fully insured for your protection and have 24/7 emergency service available for your convenience.

We will always work for you at extremely affordable prices and are happy to beat any quote that you bring in from another tree company. Get 10 percent off when you are a senior citizen or new customer.
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Tue Open All Day
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Products and Services

Tree Trimming
Tree Removal
Tree Planting
Emergency Service
Stump Removal

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