SRS Exteriors

739 W Fullerton Ave Addison, IL 60101
(630) 216-9969
Our Services
SRS Exteriors - Services+Products

Exterior Construction Services

Transform your home's exterior with our premium construction services. From decking and patios to custom fences and outdoor kitchens, our experts specialize in enhancing curb appeal and functionality. Using top-quality materials and innovative designs, we ensure every project not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Trust SRS Exteriors for unmatched beauty and durability in every outdoor space we create.


    Expert roofing services to protect and enhance your home. Our team delivers durable, high-quality installations and repairs for a secure, aesthetically pleasing roof.


      Transform your home’s appearance with our professional siding services. Choose from a variety of materials for improved durability and curb appeal.


        Protect your home from water damage with our gutter services. Efficient designs and installations ensure proper drainage and safeguard your property.


          Upgrade your home with energy-efficient windows. Our selection enhances comfort, reduces energy bills, and boosts your home’s aesthetic value.


            Enhance your home’s entrance with our stylish, secure doors. From front doors to patio doors, we provide installations that blend form and function.


              Design and build your dream deck with us. Our expert team creates outdoor living spaces that are perfect for relaxation and entertainment.


                Custom fence solutions to enhance privacy and security. Our quality materials and craftsmanship add value and beauty to your outdoor space.

                  Certified Public Adjuster

                  Maximize your insurance claims with our certified adjusters. We advocate for your best interests, ensuring fair, prompt claim settlements.

                    Hail Damage

                    Specialized repair services for hail damage. We restore your home’s integrity and appearance quickly and efficiently, mitigating further issues.

                      Wind Damage

                      Expert repairs for wind-damaged exteriors. Our swift, effective solutions ensure your home remains safe and secure in all weather conditions.

                        Interior Design Services

                        Bespoke interior design that reflects your style. Our professionals create stunning, functional spaces tailored to your lifestyle and preferences.

                          Basement Remodeling

                          Transform your basement into a dynamic living area. Our custom remodeling solutions turn underused spaces into valuable extensions of your home.

                            Financing Tool

                            Flexible financing options to make home improvements accessible. Our tool simplifies the process, helping you invest in your home’s future.

                              Visualizer Tool

                              See your home’s potential with our visualizer tool. Experiment with styles and colors to make confident decisions on your home’s upgrades.

                                Industry Leading Blog Post Articles

                                Stay informed with our blog. Expert insights on home improvement, maintenance tips, and the latest trends to help you enhance your home.

                                  Expert Guides

                                  Access comprehensive guides from industry experts. Practical advice and innovative ideas to improve your home’s functionality and style.

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