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Beyond Google: Why a Bing Listing Matters More Than Ever

It is now more important than ever to ensure you have an accurate Bing listing for your business. Claiming your business, providing accurate information, and including every possible detail can only benefit you. If Bing and ChatGPT become synonymous in the future, being ahead of the curve is crucial. A little effort today can potentially yield significant rewards down the line. [Read Full Article]

First Evidence: Yahoo! and Bing Have Merged Search Results

Yahoo! and Bing seem to be sharing organic search algorithm. The Yahoo! Microsoft Search Alliance has been making huge strides over the past week. Last week, Yahoo! announced that they are now testing Microsoft Bing's data. Today, however, we are seeing real evidence for the first time. As an up and coming search site, we at EZlocal like to monitor our search result success regularly.  We thrive off of organic search traffic and want to do everything we can to improve that traffic.  We have been well aware of how poorly our site performs in Bing and have been on top of watching our search rankings.  Today, all of the sudden, we noticed some major ranking changes in Bing.  In fact, we couldn't help but notice that they seemed amazingly familiar to our Yah... [Read Full Article]

Managing Your Business' Online Presence: Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Last week our very own Dave Cosper, VP of EZlocal, put together one of the most comprehensive slideshows on the topic of local search optimization to date. His entire presentation is superb and deserves a complete viewing, but today I’d like to focus on just one of his points (from slide 35): Online local consumers are fragmented across multiple search engines and internet yellow pages sites – robust, broad content distribution is key to maximize reach. So what does fragmentation mean? At the most basic level, fragmentation means that consumers seek out different resources when shopping locally. Some people go by word of mouth, others use printed yellow pages and yet others may follow printed reviews or ads in their local paper. However, the only “fragment” we are concerned about in this article... [Read Full Article]

Optimizing Your Local Listing for Search Supremacy

My full article is posted on SearchEngineGuide. Here are the cliff notes: Google's local search algorithm, in Layman's terms, looks something like this: Ranking = Location + Information + Corroboration + Input + X Understanding the variables in this equation are a critical part of getting found online. Businesses have just two meaningful representations in the local search space: a website and a business listing. The latter of the two is worth discussing in detail. Let's take a look at the anatomy of a local search results page and see where local business listings fit in. For this example I did a Google search for "cleaners boston ma"... [Read Full Article]

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