6 Rules of Marketing to Generation X

Combining unique preferences, resentment and rebellious tendencies, and elaborate priorities, marketing to Generation X is quite a difficult task. Here are 6 rules of marketing to Generation X. Don't recycle the past. Generation X knows many popular marketing strategies that have worked for Baby Boomers. Gen X knows what has been used already, and in turn know what is a new and exciting way to grab their attention.  What's "In" may not be in with Gen X. This group is attracted to what is affordable and of great quality. Trends which don't break the bank are the ones that Gen X will lean towards. An example of well marketed trends to Gen X include the "Going Green" effort. Gen X is highly concerned about the environment and will try green trends. "Hard selling" is poor selling. Generation X finds "hard selling" harsh, rude, and obnoxious. They are turned off by this sales method. If you are going to pitch to Gen X... [Read Full Article]

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