Small Biz Tip: Rebranding: Strategy

Tips from April 5, 2010

The Small Business tips today discuss rebranding strategies.

  1. Create a strategy first. Going into a rebranding without having a set goal or plan of attack will not only look sloppy, but it can damage your brand, reputation, and business.
  2. Keep your employees on the same page. Inform everyone at your business about the new rebranding campaign. This way, all employees can answer any questions that may come up about your new campaign.
  3. Make sure key players agree on the rebranding plan. A plan which is only agreed upon by a few of the upper level management will not work in the long run. Keep making changes until you find a plan that everyone agrees on.
  4. Build a timeline. It takes time to rebrand: marketing collateral, logo, social media (look for tips this week!), getting the word out, and any other odds and ends to take care of. 

Daily Overview: Rebranding without a plan is a bad idea. Take the time to think ahead to organize, then go ahead and implement.

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