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Has the US Become the New Russia?


Government and Economy

Has the US Become the New Russia?

In the May issue of the Atlantic Monthly, Simon Johnson, former chief economist at the IMF and a professor at the Sloan School of Management at MIT compares the “financial oligarchy” running US policy with the business elites in emerging countries.

SBA Lending Assistance Stalling

T he parts of the federal government's stimulus program aimed at small-business owners aren't working as they should, say local owners and small-business experts who are trying to figure out what to do about the problem.

Management and Financial Issues

Due Dilligence Now Will Save You Headaches Later

When considering job candidates, especially for outsourcing, you need to make sure that they can provide the service you need and not just something close to it.

Minimizing Risks in a Bad Economy

This latest brutal recession has reminded us all that what can happen in business will --and likely when you least expect it. The prepared win--the rest get mauled.

Technology Issues

Scareware Fraud on the Rise

What started out as a small-scale racket to defraud computer users is becoming big business. Rogue antivirus programs -- also known as "scareware" -- had a banner year in 2008 with scareware infections increased 48% in the second half of 2008.

Benefits and Labor Issues

How Payers of Healthcare Are Using Telemedicine
With billions of dollars earmarked for telemedicine in the stimulus package, healthcare payers are taking a look at how information technology can be used to manage healthcare.

Recession Hiring

Here is advice for employers trying to hire the right people, and job seekers struggling to land a job, from the founder of Silicon Alley Reporter and

Sales and Marketing

Characteristics of Successful Salespeople

What kind of traits separate successful sales people from the rest of us? What skills do they have, which personality traits? Find out what ten qualities successful salespeople possess.

The Ethical Email Marketing Campaign
Sure, email marketing is perfectly legal, but that doesn't mean it's necessarily the right thing to do.

Is Your Sales Strategy Missing Something?
Most salespeople are passionate about their product because they see its importance to their clients. But importance alone doesn't necessarily lead to sales—there is a key ingredient missing from their sales strategy.

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