Government, Politics and the Economy
Jobless Claims Rise
There was an unexpected jump in first-time unemployment claims even as continuing claims drop.
Management and Operations
The Most Annoying People to Work With: The Top 13 Irritations
Wherever you work, even in your own business, you find people who have turned the merely annoying into high art. Now that art has been classified and here are the top 13 offenders.
Leadership: Vision, not Bullying Needed
As many people will tolerate superaggressive leaders as long as their visions are exceptionally strong, as will not, making aggressive leadership a dicey proposition at best. You don't want to tip over into being a bully.
Legal Issues
The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act
Signed into law in 2008, GINA goes into effect on November 21, 2009. You need to be familiar with its requirements to ensure that your business is in compliance.
Taxes and Financial Issues
The Self-Employed: Repeal 'Health Care Tax'
We don't hear much about it, but nine million self-employed workers already pay a tax on health insurance premiums, and it hurts their business. The fix would be simple, but tough to sell as the tax nets billions in federal revenue.
Want an A.R.C. Loan? Look in the Heartland
It is an interesting statistic: More banks in Iowa have made these emergency small business loans than the banks in California, New York and Florida combined.
Technology Issues
Introducing ViewSonic's VPC100 Desktop PC
This is ViewSonic's first PC, an all-in-one desktop that could work for your business just as long as you don’t need high-powered performance.
Health, Benefits and Labor Issues
Remember the Midyear Performance Reviews
Even in the grips of a recession, it's still important to evaluate your employees and keep them motivated. One way to do that is with the midyear review.
Counselling Employees with Attitude Problems
The problem for some employees isn't their ability, it's their attitude. Whether it is quiet disobedience or outright insubordination, how should you respond? Address the situation strictly as a behavioral problem.
Branding, Sales and Marketing
Email Marketing: Timing Your Back-to-School Specials
With school starting soon, what's the best timing for your back-to-school email campaign? Here are some ideas.
Niche Marketing: Where Lefties are Always Right
By catering to a much-overlooked niche market, Lefty's San Francisco is profiting in spite of the recession.
Bad Service May be Killing Your Sales
Have you ever considered how much in sales your company may be losing due to poor customer service? Have a look, you may be surprised.
The Cardinal Social Media No-Nos
You might know what to do in your social media efforts, but do you know what not to do? Here are some of the most common social media mistakes. Others have made them so you don’t have to.