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Emergency SBA Loans to be Available in June


Government and Economy

Emergency SBA Loans to be Available in June

According to the SBA, a new emergency loan program to help struggling-but-viable small businesses will be open for applications in mid-June.

Merced County: Desperate for Small Business

With a staggering 22% unemployment rate and ranking Number Two in the nation in foreclosures, Merced County in California is now pinning its economic hopes on small business.

Treasury: Use Bailout Repayments to Aid Small Banks

Banks with assets of less than $500 million are eligibile for aid and will have six months to apply for assistance.

Management and Financial Issues

Newspapers: When Your Business Model Goes Bust

You know that the ongoing financial crisis has put a lot of very famous newspapers right up to the edge of going out of business. You also probably know why: because their business model is totally broken, and they’ve been denying it for years. This year, they all found that they couldn’t stop denying it.

Technology Issues

Software as a Service: Dramatic improvement to Your CRM

See how you can beat the CRM failure rate and develop a clear understanding of how new on-demand services and technologies can help overcome user reluctance and ensure greater sales success.

Google Turns to Mathematics to Predict Who Will Quit

Internet search giant Google has begun running data from employee reviews, and promotion and pay histories, through a mathematical formula that the company says can identify those of its 20,000 employees who are most likely to quit.

Benefits and Labor Issues

Sexual Politics
The struggle for power, job insecurity and programs designed in the name of diversity, have all contributed to increased tension between the genders. Yet, few companies are doing much about it. Here's why you can no longer ignore it.

Union Bill Compromise Likely After Memorial Day

Senate discussions of a compromise bill that would make it easier for employees to unionize will probably continue until June. However, when an agreement is reached, the legislation could bypass the committee process and head directly to the Senate floor.

Sales and Marketing

Preparing an Online Direct Response Campaign
Take a look at the eight factors that marketers must consider when they develop a direct-response ad campaign for the Internet.

Marketing is About Telling Your Story

Marketing is all about telling your story, talking directly to your customers and telling them who you are, why you’re better and what you believe. It's about making them remember you and feel connected to you—associating something good with your company. If you're not doing this, you're not marketing!

Online Marketing: Which Social Networking Site is Best for Your Small Business?

In the last few years, an avalanche of new marketing opportunities has come down from the Web in the form of social networking sites, but which one is right for your business? Here are some ideas.

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