Government, Politics and the Economy
Build America Bonds Signal Lower Appeal of Municipal Debt
Barack Obama may be the worst thing that ever happened to tax-exempt bonds, but states and municipalities are loving his Build America Bonds, at least so far.
Experts: Economy is Going to Improve
Sure, the US economy may have contracted sharply in the first quarter, but according to some economists, there are sunnier skies are on the horizon.
Management and Operations
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Government, Politics and the Economy
Republicans: Obama's Financial Oversight Plan Would Continue Bailouts
Leading Republicans on a House panel considering the Obama administration’s overhaul of financial regulations said the president’s plan would continue taxpayer-funded bailouts.
Ownership, Management and Operations
Make Sure Your New Hires are “Onboard”
Once they've finished their HR paperwork, it's time to really bring your new hires “onboard.” They will be more engaged, more productive, and they will want to stay and be committe... [Read Full Article]
Government and Economy
The Stimulus Bill: Small Business Tax Provisions
Experts explain how the new law will provide tax relief to small companies.
Problems With Small Business Loans
The erosion of small business lending is threatening the recovery of the US economy, and will load banks with greater losses over the next year. Wall Street Journal
Making It In America [Read Full Article]
Government and Economy
Obama Calls for Auto Industry AidPresident-elect Barack Obama is appealing for passage of an auto industry rescue package. Obama: “The government can't just stand by and watch the industry collapse.”
Murky Future for Auto RescueProspects for the $14 billion auto industry rescue package dimmed amid strong Republican opposition, despite urgent appeals from Congress, President-elect Barack Obama and the Bush White House.
New Unemployment Surges UnexpectedlyNew claims for jobless benefits rose more than expected last week, one... [Read Full Article]
Politics and Government
Bush Warns Against Abandoning Capitalism
President George W. Bush met with leaders of the world's biggest economies, urging them not to abandon free- market capitalism as they seek an escape from the financial crisis, calling it the “best system” for delivering growth.
Paulson's Credibility Drops Again as Asset-Purchase Plan is Abandoned
Like many others who have served in President George W. Bush's administration -- among them former Secretary of State Colin Powell and former Treasury chief Paul O'Neill – Henry Paulson will leave office casting a smaller shadow than when he arrived.
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