Tech: The Return of Risk-Taking

Government, Politics, and the EconomyTech: The Return of Risk-Taking Suddenly, there are mergers and acquisitions, IPOs, and investors galore. Will the reenergized industry lead the U.S. out of the Great Recession? BusinessWeek.comManagement and Operations33 Highly Useful Presentation Tools Use these tools for presentations to engage your audience, and get your point across using the latest technology. Management and Operations [Read Full Article]

Does The Small Business Majority Represent You? Don't Bet on It!

  Government, Politics and the Economy Does The Small Business Majority Represent You? Don't Bet on It! They conduct polls and claim to represent all small business by not representing any particular small business. Who are they and what are they all about? We have some answers. Obama's Health, Energy Legislation Facing Democrats' Questionable Support The fates of President Obama's top two priorities: extending health coverage to the uninsured and reducing greenhouse gases, rest in the hands of a group of pivotal Democratic senators, and so far they don't seem convinced. Management and... [Read Full Article]

Entrepreneurs on Obama

  Government, Politics and the Economy Entrepreneurs on Obama According to a new survey, entrepreneurs are willing to give the President time to fix the economy, but many have serious questions about the wisdom of his policies. Ownership, Management and Operations 12 Steps to Upgrade Your Business To grow, for your business needs needs to evolve, you need to be able to see where things can be improved and address those areas. Here are a dozen things you can do today to make that happen. [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Internet : Building Your Website

Tips from Wednesday, March 11, 2009 The Small Business tips today will be about building your website provided you've purchased your domain name and have web hosting. You can find free website templates online by searching the term "free website templates". Download and install to have a combination website and blog. My most recommended solution (and it's free!). Don't design based on what worked best for someone else. Choose a design that will work best for YOU. Hire a designer! A good designer will display your content understanding the strong importance of a quality visual brand. Daily Overview: In building a website there ARE free solutions but choose what works best for you! Often best: hire a designer. [Read Full Article]

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