Harness the internet to keep your small business afloat! [Read Full Article]
The importance of multimedia content and user experience in today's marketplace. [Read Full Article]
Get to know Mr. Hoffman, quirky, techie, spirited. [Read Full Article]
Content marketing professionals everywhere face the issue of where to turn to for reliable sources of engaging content. Sometimes the answer is a desk away, as in the case of a Q & A with Vasia! [Read Full Article]
Social media manager, Ashley Scott, recently took the time to compile this helpful How To. As always, please feel free to share, as we welcome the opportunity to make social media EZer. [Read Full Article]
Online reviews are critical to the success of a local business. In fact, nearly 90% of consumers say they’ll only consider a business if they have an average rating of 3-5 stars. [Read Full Article]
When an authority site like Yelp rolls out a new feature to add video content to reviews, small businesses and marketers should take note. [Read Full Article]
It was done during the great depression and it is done around the world today. The printing of local money and the minting of local coinage have a time-honored place in the history of human commerce and now this local answer to more wide-spread economic troubles may be coming to Milwaukee. According to a recent Chicago Tribune article:
The idea is that the local cash could be used at neighborhood stores and businesses, thus encouraging local spending. The result, supporters hope, would be a bustling local economy, even as the rest of the nation deals with a recession. "You have all these people who have local currency, and they're going to spend it at local stores," said Sura Faraj, a community organizer who is helping spearhead the plan. "They can't spend it at the Wal-Mart or the Home Depot, but they can spend it at their local hardware store or their local grocery store." Ince... [Read Full Article]