Don't Market to Generation Y

Sometimes known as the Millennials, Connecteds and Unreachables, Generation Y is compromised of individuals in their 20s and younger, or born in 1982 or later. They are an important generation to understand because they are comprised of 71 million Americans who spend over 200 billion dollars annually. They're taking over the Baby Boomers as the largest percentage of the working world. Gen Yers are hard to reach as a whole, yet one of the largest markets to make purchases. The best way to market to Generation Y is to not market to them, instead, establish a connection.As a Gen Yer, I can tell you that we are a very unique group to understand, and an even more complicated group to know how to market to. Gen Yers are a product of Baby Boomers, and we were raised in a different way than any other generation. Baby Boomers raised us to be optimistic, live our lives first and work second, and that we can do and be anything we want to. Ta... [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Generation Y: Marketing via Social Media

Tips from January 25, 2010 The Small Business tips today discuss marketing to Generation Y via social media. Generation Y is always online, always connected, and always involved. Their primary form of communication is online and they would rather connect with each other through gadgets than in person. Gen Yers are heavily into Facebook and MySpace. They update their page frequently and visit these pages often. This is where to start when targeting Gen Yers in social media. Chat rooms are another place that Gen Yers are found. They communicate frequently online via computers or other gadgets, like a cell phone. Chat rooms are a great place to get Gen Yers buzzing about your product or service. Gen Y is the first generation to grow up with social media and the Internet at their fingertips. They know the Internet the best. Gen Yers hate being sent garbage email, spam tweets, or Fa... [Read Full Article]

Obama Pleads for the Automakers, Chances for Passage Slim

Government and Economy Obama Calls for Auto Industry AidPresident-elect Barack Obama is appealing for passage of an auto industry rescue package. Obama: “The government can't just stand by and watch the industry collapse.” Murky Future for Auto RescueProspects for the $14 billion auto industry rescue package dimmed amid strong Republican opposition, despite urgent appeals from Congress, President-elect Barack Obama and the Bush White House. New Unemployment Surges UnexpectedlyNew claims for jobless benefits rose more than expected last week, one... [Read Full Article]

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