Combining unique preferences, resentment and rebellious tendencies, and elaborate priorities, marketing to Generation X is quite a difficult task. Here are 6 rules of marketing to Generation X.
Don't recycle the past. Generation X knows many popular marketing strategies that have worked for Baby Boomers. Gen X knows what has been used already, and in turn know what is a new and exciting way to grab their attention.
What's "In" may not be in with Gen X. This group is attracted to what is affordable and of great quality. Trends which don't break the bank are the ones that Gen X will lean towards. An example of well marketed trends to Gen X include the "Going Green" effort. Gen X is highly concerned about the environment and will try green trends.
"Hard selling" is poor selling. Generation X finds "hard selling" harsh, rude, and obnoxious. They are turned off by this sales method. If you are going to pitch to Gen X... [Read Full Article]
Tips from December 16, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss marketing to Generation X via mainstream media.
Generation Xers are generally more open to new ideas, products or at least trying new things during TV pilot episodes. They are apt to seeing new things, and it will add to their sense of learning more about their world.
Gen Xers multi-task: if they see or hear an advertisement on TV or radio they're likely to research immediately on computer or mobile device. List websites, and repeat the phone number and business name multiple times.
Newspaper websites are better than the paper to reach Generation X. They grew up with the technology put out for the masses and adapt quickly. Press releases or stories about you will be noticed by Generation X because they cater to the individual rather than the entire group. Be newsworthy!
Podcasts and blogs are a great medium to use as Generation X relies on them for information an... [Read Full Article]
Tips from December 14, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss marketing to Generation X via social media.
Use social media to promote a new product. Gen X is open to trying new things and value new opportunities, and they will respond the best to free trials.
Facebook fan pages need to be communicating with your fans, offering value and at a pace that isn't too intrusive. Gen Xers don't want to be annoyed with pointless and/or excessive updates. You also don't be silent. Find a happy medium.
Gen X is also active on Twitter. Tweet trivia to your followers and have a prize, such as a free gift or discounted coupons, to give to the first, correct or creative replies.
Write a blog. If you don't have one on your website or don't know how, sign up with a free service like Blogger. Be sure to give your potential readers a way to share your stuff, too. Have the [Read Full Article]
Last week, the ABC Small Business Tips explored different generations and gender as target audiences. Each generation, as well as men and women, have different approaches and insights on products, services, and businesses. These target markets are large groups, but if marketed to properly, your strategy will work on millions of people.Baby BoomersBaby Boomers consist of individuals born between 1945 and 1960. Their generation has been through decades upon decades of every single cultural and marketing trend and phenomenon of the past half century. The experiences that they have lived through (Vietnam, disco era, Berlin Wall, Desert Storm) help to define their life experiences which they rely on while thinking about purchases and trends today. This generation is full of hope and optimism because of their experiences, and know that there is an opportunity for anything to be accomplished. In this mindset, Baby Boomers are still in the workforce today because of their big... [Read Full Article]
Tips from December 1, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss Generation X (currently late 20s - early 40s).
Adjusting to the financial crisis is hard for Gen X. Their experiences in life have, so far, proven that if you work hard for something, you will receive positive results. During the recession, this is not the the case. They are not always reaping the benefits and are frustrated. Gen X will be employed but find themselves unhappy.
Gen X likes to be original. Don't categorize or group them - treat them as valued individuals. Grouping them makes them feel their opinions and ideas aren't valued.
They grew up alongside technology. They have had years of work experience with computers, and are involved in social media. Marketing to them via email campaigns and newsletters will catch their eye.
Gen X values optimism and new opportunities. They are the audience who will most likely visit a new business, try a new product, or... [Read Full Article]