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Top 7 Ways to Market to Baby Boomers

The Facts About the Generation According to the US Census, 77 million people were born in the Baby Boomer era. This fascinating group of Americans make up the largest group in our nation. In fact, an American turns 50 years old every 7 seconds, more than 12,500 people every day! This generation has experienced every historical, cultural and marketing trend and phenomenon of the past half century (think Billy Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire" lyrics). This unique group of individuals have specific habits that define their generation. Let's take a closer look.For starters, Baby Boomers are wealthy. According to the U.S. Census and Federal Reserve, 78 million Americans who were 50 or older as of 2001 controlled 67% of the country's wealth, which equals to about $28 trillion dollars. Baby boomers were taught to save and spend money carefully, which they exercise to this day due to the economy. Finding great deals in the paper, cutting coupons, and not touching their savin... [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Baby Boomers: Marketing via Print Media

Tips from December 9, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss marketing to Baby Boomers via print media. Baby Boomers LOVE coupons. Place them in the local paper and magazines for them to cut out and use. Upon purchasing, request Baby Boomers' phone number and/or email. This will allow for direct sending of coupons and advertisements to your target audience and to gain repeat customers. Baby Boomers have a better chance of seeing your advertisements in newspapers than any other generation. Baby Boomers still hold to reading the morning paper while most generations move to the Internet or TV for their news. Take advantage of this. Mailers are a great way to advertise to Baby Boomers. They value the convenient deals they receive in the mail and the simplicity of receiving them. Send out mailers on a regular basis, about every two to four weeks. Create a schedule and stick to it.  Daily Overview: Baby Boome... [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Baby Boomers: Marketing with Website Banner Ads

Tips from December 11, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss marketing to Baby Boomers with website banner ads. Place banner ads on sites Baby Boomers frequent most for their life stage: retirement, health care, insurance. Baby Boomers also will click banner ads on sites that they visit for leisure or fun: real estate, travel, sweepstakes. Creative Baby Boomer banner ads should use bold colors, not pastel. Message should be positive, not threatening. The message on Baby Boomer banner ads work best emotion-based, not fact-based. Market to "life stage" not actual age. Daily Overview: When creating a banner ad campaign for Baby Boomers, market to their life stage & aim to evoke positive emotion.  [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Baby Boomers: Marketing via Exploring New Options

Tips from December 10, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss marketing to Baby Boomers via exploring new options. As previously stated, Baby Boomers value living life to the fullest. The way they do so is by exploring new options, especially if they are fortunate enough to retire. Baby Boomers like the new adventure feeling, as well as the feeling of feeling young again. Generate these emotions in your ads for Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers have money and are looking for new options or hobbies, whether it is a vacation or picking up a sport such as golf. They are apt to try new things that will bring them gauranteed happiness. Baby Boomers will always have a craving to learn more. Many Baby Boomers eventually head back to school to get certified in an area of expertise or just to learn more information. Focus on connecting with higher education programs in your advertising. With money and time on their hands, Baby Boomers will... [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Baby Boomers: Marketing via Mainstream Media

Tips from December 8, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss marketing to Baby Boomers via mainstream media. Baby Boomers were the first generation to grow up alongside television. In fact, they watch 22 more minutes of TV per day than younger generations do. You can find them watching the programs that center around life stages. When watching TV, Baby Boomers are more likely to pick up the phone and call an 800 number than go to their computer to type in a web address. Baby Boomers are generally not fans of multi-tasking. Many Baby Boomers are loyal to the radio. Radio advertisements should be placed the same way TV ads are placed; with much consideration. Music from the 60s, 70s, and 80s is the best bet for placing radio ads for Baby Boomers. The best place to market to Baby Boomers, regardless of the channel, is around the news. Many Baby Boomers turn into the mass media to get the latest news. Keep this in mind when dec... [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Baby Boomers: Marketing via Social Media

Tips from December 7, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss marketing to Baby Boomers via social media. Facebook is a great channel for Baby Boomers. They're learning to reconnect with friends, family, and classmates online. Create a fan page, that is simple and user-friendly, for your business to target this generation. Baby Boomers are just starting to get into Twitter. They appreciate basic deals and information with a very simple way to find these deals. Make your tweets very clear to Baby Boomers that you are promoting a deal or special savings. Baby Boomers are influenced by viral campaigns. Create a channel for your business and put videos up on YouTube that Baby Boomers can relate to. Grasp their feelings about living life to the fullest and achieving their dreams. Be patient with Baby Boomers & social media. Make directions as simple as possible; they did not grow up with the technology and must adapt to it. [Read Full Article]

Overview of General Target Audiences

Last week, the ABC Small Business Tips explored different generations and gender as target audiences. Each generation, as well as men and women, have different approaches and insights on products, services, and businesses. These target markets are large groups, but if marketed to properly, your strategy will work on millions of people.Baby BoomersBaby Boomers consist of individuals born between 1945 and 1960. Their generation has been through decades upon decades of every single cultural and marketing trend and phenomenon of the past half century. The experiences that they have lived through (Vietnam, disco era, Berlin Wall, Desert Storm) help to define their life experiences which they rely on while thinking about purchases and trends today. This generation is full of hope and optimism because of their experiences, and know that there is an opportunity for anything to be accomplished. In this mindset, Baby Boomers are still in the workforce today because of their big... [Read Full Article]

Small Biz Tip: Target Audiences: Baby Boomers

Tips from November 30, 2009 The Small Business tips today discuss dissecting various target audiences, specifically Baby Boomers (those born between 1945 and 1960). You can find baby boomers still in the workforce, even into their 50s and 60s because of the economic situation. Many are trying to live long and rich to fulfill their dreams, and are doing so by pushing back retirement. Target their work ethic and desire to retire. Communication is simple with the Baby Boomers. They are used to traditional types of communication, and generally use the phone and simple email. They are starting to understand and use technology, including social media and instant messenger. As these folks have lived through many historical, cultural, and economic situations in the past 50 years, the Baby Boomers know and appreciate the value of the dollar. They cut and save coupons they find in the newspaper and online. If you're printing coupons for your busin... [Read Full Article]

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